


The person who plays in the back row and has the best ball control. has to be able to pass and dig the ball. This person is all over the court trying to keep the ball in the air.

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Runs the offense. Usually, the second hit is the setter setting the ball to the person who will spike. The setter can also be offensive – they can do things like “dump” the ball on to the other team’s court. The overall job of a setter is to deliver the ball to the hitters.

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Middle Blocker or Middle Hitter

This person is responsible for blocking the ball when the other team has the ball. This person doesn’t have to block the ball a lot, but they are required to block and spike. Middle defense is also responsible for spiking the ball sometimes.

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Outside Hitter

This is a player in the back-row responsible for aiding the libero is receiving the ball. Play in both the front and back row. Need a lot of skills in the front and the back row. (Outside hitter is also known as the right/left side hitter and wing spiker)

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Opposite Hitter

The person who is often scoring most of the points during the game. This person isn’t always responsible for passing the ball around. Since they score the most points usually they stand near the passers and get the most sets per game. This player is responsible for blocking the opponent’s spikes. This player is also usually spiking or blocking the ball against the opponent’s team. (A front row player)Image result for opposite hitter volleyball


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